Monday, December 05, 2011

Love. It's binding.

Love rules. And although one might feel frustraightedge with relationships, they can usually talk about the good parts at length.

Socket to your lady by plugging into your lady's deepest desires. She'll be so amped about living zappily ever after.

When it comes to confessing your love, there's no time for drillydallying.

Offer your lady this and she will definitely want a pizza your heart. Most other guys will have a hard time topping it.

Use of this heart and your lady will be nude-all the time.

When another guy approaches your lady, pearlhaps it's time for you to flex your mussels.

Love. It will bring out the wild animal in you.

If you don't handle your lady with care, it's just a matter of time before you are delovered and she sends you packing.

Love. There's just no compearison.

Every lady wants a man that will stick up for her, not hanger out to dry.

When searching for true love, it helps to be a real lints charming.

Go up against your lady and she'll leave you crying in the feta position.

True love. There isn't a shred of evidence saying you can't find it.

Don't bake anything for granted. Give your lady a flour today.