Sunday, August 14, 2011

Send your lady a nice text if you want to extend the shelf life of your relationship.

Don't be a tool and expect to be callen all the shots in the relationship.

You have a vested interest in your relationship, so don't be seen with another woman.

Suavo is amazing at making connections. Plane and simple.

If you make it seem like you're a high roller she'll definitely give you her foam number.

It's never to early to start admitten your love.

Love. You can bet on it.

Love. Try to cherrysh every moment of it.

Love. It's no sweat!

Love is coming. You'd better brace yourself.

Give your relationship adequate attention to avoid having to pay a lot in alimeony.

Achieving true love is quite the feet, and you shoed toetally pursue it.

Softener up with this offering which will surely put a bounce in her step.

If you don't play your cards right, you might get decked and left for another one of a kind that suits her better.

Love. Always give your lady the unabridged version.

Love will negate all female defences.

If you find yourself putting in all the effort, consider putting the ball in her court.