Friday, September 02, 2011

Life without love would be a catastoffee.

If you don't like what you sea, shell out more for a better woman.

There's more to love than trying to get into one another's drawers.

The next time you forget your anniversary it could be the last straw.

Please don't attempt this heart unless you're a seasoned lover.

Only choose one girl, because you can't have olive them.

Not to be a stickler, but when it comes to love you have to investwigate every lead you have.

Not being in love would make Suavo sick to his stomach.

Give her your love. She's pining for it.

If your lady's response to everything is "meh, sure", consider finding a new girl. Remember, it's quality over quantity.

If you toy with her heart she will think you don't car about her at all.

I always default to this heart when iron out of ideas.

When you realize you're in love, it's the greatest epayphoney you will ever have.

An offering such as this will keep your cupcake's heart from frosting over.

Your heart is overflowing with so much love you may need to call a plummer.

The thought of not finding true love can be very frytening.

Your lady wants true love. Anything less would be substandard.

It's about time island me a lady.

Your lady would appreciate some more spice in her love life.

It's nearly impossible to insulate yourself from love.

Without love, nothing really computes.