Saturday, April 02, 2011

This heart will help you pursue the woman of your dreams. But, it obviously is not clutch.

It's time to make your cheekita go crazory over you with this heart. If she doesn't, she's obviously way too superfacial.

Your lady will go absolutely nuts when you show her how much you love her.

Your lady will be soy thankful you chose her.

Love. It'll make you see beyond all of her excess baggage.

If you use this heart, all the ladies will beachecking you out. At least all of the Seaweedish girls, that's for shore.

For the woman who misinterpretzal you do.

No girl in her right mind could resist a 14 carrot heart.

Love. It takes a ton of preparation.

It's time to show your lady just how much she rocks.

If you don't give her love, your relationship will end abruptly with a very compact diskussion.

Another sidewalk heart that'll make it hard for your lady to keep her mind out of the gutter.

Once seeing this heart, thinking you never loved her would be macerroneous on her part.

To prevent you from getting cotton the wrong side of love, this heart will make all your lady's swablems go away. Just a tip.

Love. There's an apple for that.

Roll your love into a fine heart for your lady to make things offishal. No doubt the rest of the night will be spent dancing to the tunaf love.

Love. It's no sham. And if you don't give her this heart, she'll have many reasons four-leafing you.

If you can pull this one off, you're a real pick-up heartist.

If she asks, your lady always has the nicest buns.

Your lady will be so grateful for this heart it'll bring tears to her eyes.

Your lady will be at a floss for words when you confess your love for her.

Love. Stick to the plan or she'll shoot your faceoff.