How Clipheart Began!

The First Heart
Much to Brett Holmes' delight, a female friend from his MBA class was going to "set Brett up" with a friend of hers. Brett had never been so excited in his entire life.

Many months went by and after not seeing any progress in being "set up", Brett decided to take things into his own hands. He arranged some dried apricots in the shape of a heart, took a photo of it and had it forwarded to this girl. Not concerned about any awkwardness about the unusual gift. Apparently this girl thought it was funny and Brett was content with just that.

Valentine's Day 2011
With Valentine's Day only a few days later, Brett uploaded this heart onto Facebook. Fittingly, this is the day it all began.

It was uploaded as simply a suggestion for all the men in his class to give to the lady in their life if they forgot to get a gift. Naturally, their lady would love a heart shaped out of dried apricots. Who wouldn't?

With the unexpected feedback and request from friends to produce more hearts, the journey began. Within a few hearts, puns related to each one became the norm.  A new, original heart is produced every day with an accompanying pun.

Brett quickly revived a character he played during a presentation in a marketing course at the University of Victoria. This character, known as "Suavo, the ultimate ladies' man" shares dating and relationship advice byway of his hearts and puns.

Brett's friends and classmates enjoyed the hearts enough to make their own and submit them for the blog. Brett can't take all the credit for the hearts as some have been submitted by a number of these "clipheartists". Brett does take special pride in the puns however. All photos are original and not taken from other blogs or webpages — that'd be cheating. 

Oh, and Brett still takes submissions :)

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