Monday, November 21, 2011

The last thing you want is a girl who's a few bricks short of a full load. But if you end up with one, well, that's just b'locks.

If you fear your lady may leave you, have another girl in the queue—cumbersome as that seems.

If another guy inquires about your honey, politely tell him it's none of his beeswax.

Love or lust. What wallet be?

Even if your last girl has a new bow, no one wants to hear your sawb stories. So cut it out and sink your teeth into a new relationship.

When your lady confesses her love, it will be the greatest news she ever lays-on-ya.

With Suavo's help, your love life will be bristling with activity.

The thought of you not finding love gives Suavo a micrane. Luckily this heart will help you pick up a ton of girls.

Love. There's nothing amuesling about it.

You know she's the one when you love her to bits.

Not giving your lady proper attention wasabig mistake. Give her this heart.

If your love life is spuddering, quickly use this heart!

Love. When in poderation, you can avoid getting your heart broken into peases.